First Woman Wins Oscar for Best Director
Kathryn Bigelow has become the first woman to win the Oscar for Best Director at the 82nd annual Academy Awards. Nominated for nine Academy Awards, The Hurt Locker took home six awards…
Read MoreCenter for American Women and Politics Publishes New Study on Female State Legislators
by Kathy Groob, Publisher ElectWomen Magazine Hot off the presses, The Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers University has released the most comprehensive study ever conducted on women running…
Read MoreThey’re Off and Running….Emerge Kentucky Begins 2010 Candidate Training Program
Program Recruits and Trains Women to Run for Office Emerge Kentucky, a non-profit organization established in 2009 to recruit and train Democratic women to run for public office, held its first candidate…
Read MoreNAACP Names 44-Year-Old Woman to Chair Organization
Appointment Marks a Generational Shift The new guard is in control at the National Association of Advancement for Colored People (NAACP) with the appointment of its new Chairwoman, Roslyn Brock. Heading the…
Read More2010 TEXAS PRIMARY ELECTION: Gubernatorial Candidate Kay Bailey Hutchinson Falling Behind Far Right Conservative Incumbent Governor
On March 2nd Republican primary voters of Texas will select their nominee for Governor for the general election in November. U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson at one time was considered the hands-on…
Read MoreWomen Now Outnumber Men in the Workplace
by Catherine Rampbell, New York Times For the first time in recorded history, women outnumber men on the nation’s payrolls. This benchmark is bittersweet, as it comes largely at men’s expense. Because…
Read MoreOh Canada! Meet the Governor General of Canada – Michaelle Jean
As the winter olympics get underway in Vancouver Canada, Governor General Michaelle Jean plays host to the world. Serving as the political representative of the Queen of England to the country of…
Read MoreCosta Rica Elects First Women President
Costa Ricans elected their first woman president Sunday as Central America’s most politically and economically stable country chose the former Vice President, Laura Chinchilla. She won with 47% of the vote therefore…
Read MoreKentucky House Passes Ban on Texting While Driving
Despite the political controversy, this week the Kentucky House of Representatives passed a bill that would ban text messaging by drivers of all ages and cell phone use by drivers under age…
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