TUESDAY ELECTION WATCH: Battered and Bruised—Incumbent Bullies Female Candidate
June 25, 2012
By Kathy Groob, Publisher ElectWomen.com – Tuesday, June 26 is primary Election Day in Oklahoma. The hot race for state representative in Oklahoma’s 3rd district got a little too hot last week when challenger Traci Barnes extended a hand to her opponent at the close of a town hall candidate political forum. Instead of returning the gracious handshake, Traci’s opponent, Rep. James Lockhart squeezed her hand so hard that it caused extreme pain and bruising. “He shook my hand and squeezed it so hard that he hurt me,” says Traci Barnes. “I had my grandmother’s ring on and I ended up with three bruised fingers.”
A businesswoman and community activist, Traci Barnes wasn’t expecting the rough treatment she received from her opponent, and believes he was trying to intimidate her after a contentious forum where Traci called out her opponent’s weaknesses. He retaliated by pointing his finger and calling her a liar. When Traci stood to make her case, her opponent then pointed and told her to “sit down and shut up.”
After a few moments of shock and humiliation, Traci followed her opponent out of the forum and told him that “the campaign was on now!” Traci had been hurt physically and humiliated her opponent’s words telling her to sit down and shut up, in front of everyone. “His behavior went way beyond mud slinging and I had to stand up for myself,” said Traci. “I feel I’m the best person for the job and I will not allow James Lockhart or anyone else to hurt me, call me a liar, and tell me to sit down and shut up in public.”
Traci’s opponent, James Lockhart is a first-term incumbent was caught on video sleeping during a legislative session while another member of the House was speaking. Watch the sleeping Lockhart here.
For more information about Traci Barnes: