In Wake of SC Primary, High-Tech Effort Launched to Encourage Women to Run for Office
January 25, 2012
(COLUMBIA, SC) – In the immediate wake of the state’s GOP presidential primary, the Southeastern Institute for Women in Politics (the Institute), in conjunction with our partners Blue Cross Blue Shield South Carolina (BCBSSC) and IT-oLogy, is announcing an exciting and innovative plan geared at encouraging and educating women to run for elected office in the Palmetto State.
“This is high-tech targeting directed right at the women of South Carolina,” Institute President Mary Anne Jacobs said. “The Southeastern Institute for Women in Politics is a bipartisan group. We are not about dictating election outcomes – that is the job and responsibility of South Carolina voters. What we are about is providing easy, accessible, tangible support and education to as many women as we can. When more women run for office, more women win!”
According to national statistics, South Carolina ranks last in the number of women holding elected office. But the Institute is taking advantage in this election year of what Jacobs is calling a “perfect storm.”
“2012 offers a once-in-a-20-year opportunity when reapportionment has adjusted many districts and there is a presidential election to turn out more voters. This last happened in 1992 when South Carolina elected 23 women to the state legislature – the largest number of women ever elected at one time in our state,” Jacobs said.
“IT-oLogy has the mission of advancing IT talent. When more technology possibilities are created, more people are in place with the skills to apply to business needs,” said Lonnie Emard, Executive Director, IT-oLogy. “In this case, three partners in IT-oLogy (BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina, Palmetto Computer Labs and Period-Three) delivered financial support and IT capability to enable the Southeastern Women in Politics to become more efficient in reaching a large target audience.”
With filing for state elected office just 68 days away, there is no time to waste.
“South Carolina women who up to now have wondered if this is their time now have easy access to the fundamentals of building and sustaining a winning campaign right at their fingertips from the comfort of their own homes,” Institute board member Barbara Rackes said.
For years, members of the Southeastern Institute have been traveling the state, offering day-long courses in the fundamentals of running a campaign. But thanks to the backing of BCBSSC and the technological expertise offered by Columbia’s cutting edge IT-oLogy, women from every corner of South Carolina can now register on-line and receive the same kind of top quality training at a place and time of their convenience and at their own pace.
“Our goal is to take the intimidation factor off the plate for women who want to contribute in the public arena but aren’t sure how to get started,” Institute board member Christy Cox said. “We’re here to say women are welcome and wanted at the leadership table here in the Palmetto State and we can provide some of the tools they need to get there.”