Former Governor Jennifer Granholm to host Current TV’s War Room

October 13, 2011

Current TV announces “The War Room” with Jennifer Granholm, premiering in January and airing weeknights at 9/8c.  This new program will be on the front lines of political analysis and election-year commentary with former Michigan governor leading the conversation.

From the caucuses to the campaign trails to Capitol Hill, “The War Room with Jennifer Granholm” will shed light on the Election 2012 news of the day and will feature in-studio commentary by political insiders, campaign veterans, opinion leaders and newsmakers whose unique perspective will inform and inspire. Granholm, an outspoken and passionate political leader, was the first woman elected governor in Michigan. During two terms as governor, she pioneered the state through an economic storm, strengthening its auto industry, preserving the manufacturing sector, and adding new, emerging sectors, such as clean energy.

Each night, Granholm will present a dynamic, fun and informative show that actively engage viewers with a blend of smart analysis and relevant commentary from guests on the cutting edge of politics, business and entertainment.

For more information, click here.
