Social Justice and Anti-Poverty Activist Seeks Second Term on Bloomington City Council
September 27, 2011
By Kathy Groob, Publisher ElectWomen Magazine – Located in the heart of Indiana and home to Indiana University, Bloomington City Council’s nine-member body includes council president, Susan Sandberg. Susan didn’t win her first election in 2003, but continued to position herself for the next cycle and was appointed to fill a vacancy that occurred on council. She ran for an at-large position in 2007 and won. Sandberg is on the ballot again this November to retain her position on the city council.
A Bloomington resident for over 25-years, Sandberg helped to form the Bloomington Democratic Women’s Caucus and is involved in many community organizations including the board of directors of the South Central Community Action Program, is a volunteer with the Monroe County Correctional Center theater program through New Leaf New Life, is a member of the League of Women Voters, directs the WomenSpeak Readers Theater and is vice-chair of the Democratic Women’s Caucus. Susan has been an artistic advisor and officer on the board of the Bloomington Pops Orchestra and continues to sing with the Pops Orchestra Chorus.
Susan believes there needs to be a balance of what is good for the business community and what is right for the community’s social needs, especially those less fortunate. “My world includes anti-poverty programs, affordable housing effort, arts program and economic development,” says Sandberg. “We need to balance our efforts with regard to the needs of the business community and well as those in need in our city.”
To stay in close contact with her constituents, Sandberg hosts monthly citizen’s breakfasts on a variety topics. Her September breakfast had no specific topic, instead she offered a chance for constituents to voice their concerns. Her website promotes the event as “Come for breakfast and come to engage us with your questions, concerns and opinions. All citizens welcome!”
Sandberg remains focused on her work with the Women’s Political Caucus and including more women in the political process. “Our DWC mission is to fund, inspire, recruit, support and train more women for elected office and public service,” says Sandberg. Her slogan is “Women First!”
For more information about Susan Sandberg or to contribute to her campaign, visit