Woman Saves Lives in Fort Hood Shooting Tragedy
November 6, 2009
A female civilian police officer from Fort Hood Texas confronted the armed shooter in the Fort Hood massacre on Thursday. Officer Kimberly Munley didn’t hesitate to take down the suspect when she confronted the gunman. Kimberly was shot in both legs and wrist but continued to stand erect.
Hundreds on Facebook and other social media sites are dubbing Kimberly Munley as a hero for shooting the gunman who was on a rampage to kills possibly dozens of American soliders at the Fort Hood Army Base.
Her boss said he told Munley, “When you finally have the opportunity to lay your head on this pillow… here’s what I want you to know: The action you took saved countless peoples’ lives. People are healthy, alive and walking around today because of the action that this officer took. She’s a hero.”
To read more about Kimberly Munley, visit: