Six Term State Rep Makes Bid to be Newton MA First Woman Mayor
July 20, 2009
By Brandy Bailey, Contributor ElectWomen Magazine
Newton Massachusettes has never had woman mayor. State Representative Ruth Balser is hoping to change that. Balser has worked for nearly 20 years as a public servant; first as an Alderman from 1988 to 1996 and she is currently in her sixth term a State Representative.
This is the first time in over 30 years the seat for mayor of Newton has been open. So when Representative Balser was approached about running for mayor she decided that she could use her experience, skills, and leadership to help the city far more than she would be able to as a legislator.
But trying to make the transition from legislator to executive in the minds of the people has been a challenge. While people are excited that she could become the first female mayor Newton has had, some are skeptical that a woman can be successful as its top executive.
Despite this challenge her campaign is going well. Balser’s schedule has been packed with house parties at least five nights a week since she announced her candidacy and things are only going to get busier. Balser’s campaign strategy has been built around house parties in order to raise money, build support, and talk to people who are unfamiliar with her. Starting in August that schedule will increase to eight house parties a week. The smaller setting allows for more personal contact with voters and will hopefully translate into more votes in what is expected to be a low turnout election.
Balser encourages women to run for office, “Here in Massachusettes our women’s political caucus conducted a study that showed that when women run they win just as often as men. But women are still hesitant. A woman has to convince people that she has what it takes to be a certain kind of leader. It’s important to build a team of supporters who are as excited about the opportunity to break yet another glass ceiling”.
Another campaign strategy that has been very effective is Youth for Ruth group on Facebook. Youth for Ruth is a program that was started by a young man who is interning on Balser’s campaign. The program has generated a lot of enthusiasm from young people. “It’s nice having these young people around,” said Balser.
The prelimanry election will be held on September 15th. If she is successful in the preliminary election, she will advance to the municpal election to be held on November 3rd.
For more information on Representative Balser or to contribute to her campaign you can visit her website at