Woman Battles to Become America’s 4th Largest City Mayor
April 8, 2009
Annise Parker to Seek Houston’s Top Spot
The United States’ fourth largest city could elect its second female mayor in 2009. Veteran city official, Annise Parker is running for mayor in Houston, Texas in the November 3rd election. Parker is currently serving as city controller which is the second highest elected position in the city. Previously she served on city council for six years for a total of 11 years in service to the City of Houston.
A veteran campaigner, Annise Parker doesn’t take anything for granted. “I know what it takes to win and I don’t think about the magnitude of this race. I am ready to lead and have the experience on the administrative, legislative and financial sides of our city government,” said Parker.
Houston is a diverse metropolitan city of 2.2 million residents and the city plays a major role on the international stage. Known as a business city, Houston is home to the largest export port in the United States. Job creation has been growing and steady since the 1990’s and is home to major medical, technology and energy industries.
“We in Houston honor our Texas heritage but recognize we are in a global market and global economy,” said Parker. “My experience, the way I approach issues, my accessibility to our partners and staff are skills I will bring to the top position. I know how the city works and what it will take to go forward strong into the future.”
Over the next few months, Annise Parker will be setting forth her vision and platform for Houston. She described a range of policy issues that will be her top priorities:
· The economy, job creation and declining revenues
· Forward progress on neighborhoods and the environment
· Expand renewable energy, develop green communities, expand to a range of energy sources – solar, wind and biofuels
· Build strong business-friendly policies
· Economic development – continue to grow, Hire Houston First, develop regional approach to development
Women play a significant role in Annise Parker’s campaign. “Women have been a huge part of my base of support,” said Parker. Texas Annie’s List endorsed Parker before she even formally announced her intent to run for mayor. She has traditionally pulled strong from both Democratic and Republican women.
Bottom line, Annise Parker lives and breathes Houston and is passionate about service to her community, even if that community is larger than 16 states in the U.S.A. “I love my home town and I love this city. I have been excited to get up and go to work each day for the past 11 years and I hope the voters will be excited to have me as their next mayor,” added Parker.
To support and contribute to Annise Parker’s campaign for Houston mayor, visit: http://www.anniseparker.com