Carmen Robinson Seeks the Democratic Nomination in Primary Election This May
March 31, 2009
On Tuesday, May 19th, the Democratic primary election for Pittsburgh, PA’s mayoral election will be held and one woman has entered the race, attorney Carmen Robinson. A Pittsburgh native, Ms. Robinson is a former police officer and now serves as a private practice attorney and judicial clerk.
Carmen was born and raised in the City of Pittsburgh, by blue-collar parents Alfred and Linda Robinson. Carmen’s father was drafted during Vietnam, worked at J & L Steel and last employed by the Pittsburgh Fire Department for 31 years, where he later died because of a work related accident. Alfred Robinson loved being a firefighter! Carmen’s Mother, a laborer, is retired from H. J. Heinz.
Carmen is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh where she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree with a specialization in the Administration of Criminal Justice.
In 1989, Carmen was selected to attend the Pittsburgh Police Academy, a dream she held at a very young age. After graduating from the Academy, she was assigned to Zone 2, the Hill District and surrounding communities. Carmen’s first assignment was as a beat patrol officer at Centre and Kirkpatrick where she first understood what community involvement could achieve. In 1995, she was promoted to sergeant.
In 2001, Carmen was accepted to Duquesne University School of Law where she attended law school during the day and worked nights as a sergeant in Zone 5.
In 2004, Carmen traveled to Vatican City, Italy, to study Canon and Roman law. Carmen’s greatest memory of that summer study, was meeting the then ailing Pope John Paul, II.
Carmen earned her J.D., June 2005 and passed the Pennslyvania Bar Exam in October 2005. In addition, she is licensed to practice law in the U.S. District Court of Western Pennsylvania.
Currently Carmen holds a judicial clerkship, with the Honorable Dwayne D. Woodruff, maintains a solo practice and works as general counsel to Professional Limousine and Transportation Service.
Carmen L. Robinson is a member of the National Organization of Women and the League of Women Voters, attends church at Macedonia Baptist Church, in the Hill District and a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Carmen is married to Paul K. Brown, a small business owner and she is the mother of a ten-year-old son and three stepchildren.
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