Community leader, city councilwoman Jill Miller Zimon to run for Ohio statehouse
August 19, 2013
PEPPER PIKE, OH—Jill Miller Zimon, City of Pepper Pike Council Member, political journalist and civic engagement strategist, announces her candidacy for State Representative in Ohio’s newly redrawn House District 12. The new district stretches from Cleveland Ward 1 in the west, south through Maple Heights, Bedford and Bedford Heights, east through Warrensville Heights, North Randall and Highland Hills, and finally north through Orange, Pepper Pike and Mayfield Heights. View a map of the new district at
“The current political climate in Columbus demands a representative who will relentlessly give voice to the values and solutions the Statehouse repeatedly ignores,” said Zimon. For months now, Zimon has been following a rigorous schedule of meeting with community leaders and attending events throughout the 10 communities in HD 12. “What I hear from citizens and their community leaders encourages me enormously. The new House District 12 has a combination of assets and opportunities unlike any other statehouse district. This means the possibility for positive, collaborative action has never been better. As State Representative for this new District, I am the only candidate with a proven record of empowering and encouraging networking among elected officials and business that leads to positive financial and practical results.”
As the Project Director for the EfficientGovNetwork (“EGN”), Zimon facilitated a 16-county effort that continues to support the pursuit of shared services and improved resource allocation. In December 2012, her work led to EGN receiving a $100,000 grant from the state of Ohio to examine potential for a permanent organization.
“We must move forward together with shared values. As State Representative for the re-drawn House District 12, I will use my experience in building relationships to halt the attacks on women’s rights, voting rights, worker’s rights and the public’s right to good government and press for better and increased support of our schools, health care and public safety, among so many others in dire need of attention.”
Zimon has long been recognized as an effective, gutsy, passionate and independent thinker. Now she is prepared to continue engaging citizens and leading fellow public servants to implement opportunities that will benefit all of Northeastern Ohio.
“I am running for State Representative because I have a history of creating change and improving outcomes. I know we can make Columbus hear our perspectives, benefit from our experiences and invest wisely in our community.”