League of Women Voters program shows teen girls they have a future in politics
April 16, 2014
By Sally Friedman Correspondent, Burlington County Times (New Jersey)
The prophets of doom have been insisting that America’s youth are so caught up in their tech toys that they have no interest in the important issues of the day, know little about our political system, and care even less.
Those doomsayers should have been at Burlington Township High School (New Jersey) last week when more than 40 young women proved otherwise.
A special event, called “Running and Winning,” and sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Burlington County, gave the group of female students a look at the political process, with visits from many women leaders in the morning, then set them loose to do a bit of campaigning and debating on a hot issue in the afternoon.
The event also was co-sponsored by the American Association of University Women (Medford Branch) , Alice Paul Institute, South Jersey NOW (Alice Paul Chapter) and The Links, Inc. (Rancocas Valley Chapter).
Morning speakers included Burlington County Freeholder Aimee Belgard, a Democratic candidate for the Third District Congressional seat; Burlington County Sheriff Jean Stanfield; Cinnaminson Committeewoman Kathy Fitzpatrick; Westampton Mayor Carolyn Chang; and Rovena Overton, an Eastampton Councilwoman, among many others.
“I wasn’t sure what it would be like, but it’s been amazing,” said Jasmine Knight, 17, one of the participants. Knight, a senior who serves as vice president of the school’s Student Council, already has experienced an enrichment program at Stanford University in a program called “Lead America,” and will be attending the University of Alabama next year.
“I know that some men think women’s opinions are not very valuable,” said Jasmine, who finds that attitude troubling. “Frankly, I think the country would be in good hands with a woman president who has the skill and perspective to lead us to some important changes.”
And does Jasmine believe that she will see a woman president in her lifetime? “Definitely!”
That attitude was clear as the young women students expressed thoughts about their reaction to the notion of women in leadership roles.
“Right now, being in politics is not in my future plans,” said Jessica Hlay, 18, who has her heart set on animal sciences. “But a lot could change, and I found the issue of wage equity especially important when it comes to women. That really came out in today’s discussions.”
Indeed, it was a day for looking at womens’ lives through the job and wage equity issue (equal pay for equal work) and thinking more about politics than just about running for office.
For Marcy Rosner of Moorestown, a member of the League of Women Voters of Burlington County and chair of its Running and Winning Committee, it was a day of excitement and satisfaction as the young women proved their mettle by working in groups on a issue to which they had just been oriented: Should possession of small amounts of marijuana by decriminalized, legalized, or neither in New Jersey?
That matter is actually under consideration in the state Legislature.
While their real counterparts in the Legislature are given plenty of time for research and preparation, these young women had less than a day to frame their arguments.
Remarkably, the small groups were able to formulate and present cogent arguments for all three positions. As it turned out, leaving things as they trailed well behind decriminalization or legalization of marijuana in the final analysis.
“These young women learned to work in teams to process ideas and arguments and to do the kind of public speaking that often terrifies adults,” said Rosner, as the teams, armed with colorful and inventive posters containing slogans, presented their points of view.
Senior Alexis Arnell, who is off to American University to study combined communication, law, economics and government, felt that the Running and Winning event was an example of how hard work can get the job done.