Women in Theater co-produces play with St. John UCC in Bellevue, KY
March 27, 2014
St. John UCC in Bellevue, KY, and WIT-Women in Theatre Combine Forces
St. John United Church of Christ in Bellevue, Ky, is co-producing the first of many plays with WIT-Women in Theatre, a professional, non-union acting troupe. The first offering is “Walter Cronkite is Dead” by Joe Calarco, a comedy/drama about the difficulty of civil discourse.
Performances are April 25, 26, May 2, and 3rd, 2014 at 8:00pm. April 27 is at 1:00pm and a special performance for those who can’t do steps. The matinee is also signed for the deaf.
Order tickets by calling the Box Office at 859-441-6882 or emailing [email protected] .
Synopsis: Patty (played by Cate White) is chatty and is almost incapable of silence. Margaret (played by Cat Cook) has no intention of sharing her thoughts or her table. The conversation and action that pursues is funny, difficult, deeply revealing and astonishingly frank. Yes, Walter Cronkite is dead, but his wisdom and compassion lives on.
Donna Hoffman, Director of WIT-Women in Theatre, has a BFA in Theatre/Performance and Directing, a BA in English Literature and Writing, an MEd in Secondary Education, and Special Certification to teach Gifted and Talented people. She formed WIT in 2012 because of the lack of plays featuring substantial, non-stereotypical roles for women and she wanted to direct plays written by, for, and about women.
Cat Cook has a BA in Dramatic Arts from Coastal Carolina University and since 2000 she has been busy performing in anything from Vibrata in “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum,” to “Fool for Love” with New Edgecliff Theatre in Cincinnati, to Germaine in “Picasso at the Lapine Agile” with Drama Workshop. She also earned her BS in Nursing from the College of Mt. St. Joe in December, 2013.
Cate White started acting in the 1970’s in “Mice and Men” with First Pres Players in Fort Wayne, Indiana She moved to NYC in the 80’s where she was part of the Legal Action Comedy Group that performed at the West Bank Café. When she finished her doctorate in French at the University of Cincinnati, she became a full professor but didn’t give up her love of acting. In 2012, she did the first WIT performance of “Vagina Monologues,” and most recently played the part of Bunny in “The House of Blue Leaves” in Middletown, OH.
Contact: Donna Hoffman, 859-441-6882, [email protected]
Learn more about women produced, directed, acted theater at Women In Theater: https://www.facebook.com/WIT.Women.in.Theatre