More New Jersey Women Are Ready to Run, Thanks to Ready to Run
March 27, 2014
Ready to Run™ NJ brought women from across the Garden State – as well as visitors from Pennsylvania, Delaware, New York and even Colorado – to master the nuts and bolts of campaigning to win.Congresswoman Grace Meng (NY) keynoted the Diversity Initiatives, explaining how, as the only Asian American lawmaker in New York State, she learned from other legislators of color; after her talk, sessions for Eleccion Latina, Run Sister Run, and Rising Stars gave women of color their own opportunities to learn from those already engaged in politics how they can take the plunge themselves.
Ready to Run™ keynoter Celinda Lake brought a wealth of must-have information for women candidates, and communications expert Chris Jahnke prepped participants to conquer the camera. Tara Dowdell demystified social media and explained the best ways to use Facebook, Twitter and other online channels for campaign outreach. A panel of campaign finance experts, led by Gail Gordon, delved into the complexities of raising (and reporting!) the dollars needed for a successful run. And workshops brought the best of New Jersey’s political experts – candidates, officeholders, strategists and more – to an eager audience of up-and-coming pols. As always, we are tremendously grateful to the experts who volunteered their time to make sure New Jersey’s political pipeline is filled with women who are ready to run! Ready to Run in sponsored by the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutger’s University. |