Anthony Weiner is really Carlos Danger?
July 24, 2013
By Kathy Groob, Founder ElectWomen – Just when New Yorkers had begun to think Anthony Weiner had rehabilitated himself, enter Carlos Danger. Carlos Danger is an alias being used by New York mayoral candidate Anthony Weiner when Tweeting naked photos of his private parts to young women. Seriously? Come on voters of New York. You deserve better than this. Serious candidates like Christine Quinn are out earning your vote, while this sexual perv, porn star wannabe is making a laughing stock of the electoral process.
In a quickly organized press conference Tuesday, Mr. Weiner confessed to continuing his Twitter escapades long after he resigned from Congress and went into “rehabilitation” mode.
Running a point or two ahead of Christine Quinn in the latest polls, Mr. Weiner has the moral character of a sleezy pimp. Wake up New York voters! The greatest city in the world can’t be lead by a guy who is so into himself that he Tweets pictures of his penis and then has the gall to put his wife on television to vouch for him. To quote the late Ray Charles, “What Kind of Man are You?”
It’s time for Carlos Danger to seek another line of work. Perhaps a starring role in Boogie Nights 2 would better suit him than being boss hog of The Big Apple.