5 Old White Men Who Are Champions For Women’s Rights

June 24, 2013

By Darcey Bullock – Op-ed columnist Frank Bruni wrote recently in the New York Times about the puzzling stamina of sexism.

Many hoped that after the feminist struggles during the 1970s, we would be further along than we are now; that a panel of witnesses on sexual assault in the military might contain more than one woman amongst eleven men; that physical and sexual violence might not affect over one third of women globally.

The gender gap is disheartening, truly, but it’s inspiring to see this list below and know that at least some of the white men in power do at least try to have women’s best interests at heart. Supporting the aims of feminism doesn’t mean you have to be a woman — it just means that you are working towards the end of sexism and sexist oppression. Here’s to hoping that men — white, old, and otherwise — both begin and continue to place women’s rights as a high priority.

1. Joe Biden

via 5 Old White Men Who Are Champions For Women’s Rights.