Elizabeth Colbert Busch: Spring training over for rookie
April 5, 2013
By ALEX ISENSTADT, POLITICO – For months, rookie South Carolina congressional candidate Elizabeth Colbert Busch has had the luxury of kicking back and watching Republicans fight among themselves. With a big hand from her famous brother, comedian Stephen Colbert, she’s drawn money and publicity that other first-time office seekers could only dream of.
Spring training is over now.
With former Gov. Mark Sanford’s GOP primary battle behind him, Republicans say they’re laying the groundwork for a scorched-earth general election, branding Colbert Busch as a down-the-line liberal who’s out of step with the 1st District’s conservative electorate. She will have to show she can go toe-to-toe with a seasoned, though obviously flawed opponent who was once regarded as potential presidential material.
(PHOTOS: Mark Sanford’s career)
Sanford’s general election strategy is straightforward: divert attention from his own personal baggage, and make the race about Colbert Busch’s support for the policies of the national Democratic Party — in a district where those policies are not popular.
Until now, Colbert Busch has pitched herself as a bipartisan problem solver. By and large, the interviews she’s done have focused on her relationship with Stephen Colbert. Her TV ads have touted her compelling personal biography: a single mom who rose to prominence in South Carolina’s critical maritime industry and is now a senior administrator at Clemson University.
(Also on POLITICO: Mark Sanford: Stephen Colbert not running)
Her policy positions have not been put under the microscope, but are bound to draw more attention now. Colbert Busch has said that she backs Obamacare (while calling for refinements to root out wasteful spending). She also supports a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants and backs abortion rights and legalizing gay marriage — all positions that Sanford could attempt to use to drive up her negatives in a district Mitt Romney won by 18 points.
via Elizabeth Colbert Busch: Spring training over for rookie – Alex Isenstadt – POLITICO.com.