Why we love her!
February 1, 2013
By Kathy Groob, Founder ElectWomen.com – Today is the final day of Hillary Clinton’s tenure as United States Secretary of State. She steps down as the President’s chief foreign affairs advisor with high praise and respect. Hoping to catch up on much needed rest and sleep, Secretary Clinton did not completely close the door to another presidential run in 2016.
Maybe by the end of next week Hillary will be spotted in a grocery store or hair salon, doing something normal that most women take for granted. She will have time to watch episodes of Homeland and maybe even watch a Lifetime movie or two. By the end of the month she might be sunning herself on a tropical island, reading a magazine. And by spring, she could even receive the wonderful news that she is to be a grandmother. A well-deserved life for someone who has given so much on behalf of her country.
Hillary Clinton needs some quality downtime, but before long she will be planning and leading a global fight to stop systemic rape and human trafficking around the globe or a program to bring education and healthcare to women and girls in countries that treat them like dirt.
The Hillary I know won’t rest for long before she takes on another challenge.
Global News quotes Clinton as saying, “I haven’t decided yet.” “I really haven’t yet. I have deliberately cabined it off. I am going to be secretary of state until the very last minute when I walk out the door. And then I am going to take the weekend off and then I may start thinking about all the various offers and requests and ideas that have come my way.”
For many of us, our dreams will remain with Hillary Clinton. The dream of our first woman president. The dream of girls being educated the same as boys; the dream of women being safe and valued in every country in the world. When a woman leads the greatest country in the world, our dreams begin to become reality.
Rest now Hillary Clinton. We will be ready when you are.