Eight WUFPAC Candidates on Ballots Across the Country

October 14, 2012

Women under 40 are virtually absent from political power in The United States.  The Women Under Forty Political Action Committee is a bi-partisan initiative dedicated to electing more young women.

Hot off the win by former State Senator Kyrsten Sinema (AZ-9) in Arizona’s congressional primary, WUFPAC has eight endorsed candidates advancing to the November elections. Staying true to WUFPAC’s mission of helping electing young women leaders of both parties, the eight candidates are evenly divided between the Republican and Democratic parties:

Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler (WA-3rd)

Congresswoman Kristi Noem (SD-At-Large)

Congresswoman Martha Roby (AL-2nd)

Jessica Ehrlich (FL-13th)

Tulsi Gabbard (HI-2nd)

Mia Love (UT-4th)

Kyrsten Sinema (AZ-9th)

Grace Meng- NY (D)

“It is with much excitement that we congratulate Kyrsten Sinema on her win yesterday in a competitive three-way primary.  She joins a strong group of WUFPAC victors and what we hope will be the largest class of women under forty ever elected come November,” stated WUFPAC President Katie Vlietstra, “Please join me in supporting these eight women as they march towards a resounding November victory!”

Click here for more information or to support WUFPAC.
