Massachusetts Planned Parenthood Weighs in on Senate Debate
September 21, 2012
Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts Responds to Senate Candidate Debate
Dianne Luby, President of Planned Parenthood Advocacy Fund of Massachusetts, released the following statement in response to the Senate candidate debate between Elizabeth Warren and Scott Brown earlier tonight:
“Although Scott Brown continues to label himself ‘pro-choice,’ women in Massachusetts can’t rely on him to consistently vote to protect women’s health. Women need and deserve to be represented by a Senator who will stand up for women’s health no matter what, not just when it’s politically convenient. At tonight’s debate, Elizabeth Warren reminded voters that she will be that Senator.
“Scott Brown has shown Massachusetts voters that he believes campaign rhetoric is sufficient and trumps real action. A real champion of women’s health wouldn’t have accepted the support of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, a group that seeks to end legal abortion. A real champion also wouldn’t have an abysmal 33% voting record on women’s health, as Brown does from his time in the U.S. Senate.
“Scott Brown’s actions speak louder than his rhetoric. He sponsored legislation that would have allowed an employer to refuse to provide coverage for birth control and any other essential or preventive health care service that he or she finds objectionable. He voted to overturn the Affordable Care Act, which would threaten the health care of millions of women across the country who, thanks to this landmark health care legislation, can access preventive care without co-pays. And he punted responsibility to others when asked to lead the fight in Tampa against his national party’s adoption of the most restrictive abortion language in history.
“With his ‘pro-choice’ TV ads, debate sound bites, and promises made along the campaign trail, Scott Brown is misleading voters every day. Massachusetts voters don’t need a Senator who merely claims to be ‘pro-choice,’ they need a Senator who will stand up for health care access no matter what.”
Scott Brown’s voting record of 33% is tallied by the Planned Parenthood Action Fund and is available at