Olivia Freeman Faces Obstacles in Race for Congress. She’s Faced Them Before.

January 16, 2012

Ohio’s 10thth Congressional District has newly-drawn boundaries and is held currently by Republican Mike Turner. Olivia Freeman isn’t letting the long odds of a heated primary and a Republican incumbent stop her from running for Congress.  A self-described “work horse, not a show horse,” Olivia Freeman believes her second shot at a congressional seat, and the changing political climate gives her a good chance to succeed.  “I wanted to run because people are ticked off with what’s going on in Washington; my attitude has always been to do what you need, and people really need access,” says Freeman.

A single mom, Olivia Freeman battled breast cancer, was dumped from her insurance company but emerged in October—cancer free.  A former army medic she served in the Ohio National Guard and re-enlisted in the military to serve in Operation Desert Shield.  She has spent her career since then working in human resources and in education.  She served on former Governor Voinovich’s Educational Oversight Committee.

The newly-drawn Congressional District is made up of Montgomery and Greene counties.  Freeman is running against several Democrats in the primary that will be held on March 6th.  Former Congressional candidate Sharen Neuhardt has also entered the Democratic primary.

“I did my homework on what was required to run and I realized that this race was doable,” says Freeman.  “I am a mother, a businesswoman and a veteran, and I buy my own groceries, pump my own gas and I do my own homework.”  For more information, visit: http://hstrial-citizensforolivi.intuitwebsites.com.