Pink Politics: The Woman’s Practical Guide to Winning Elections
September 5, 2011
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$24.95 (12 chapters, 196 pages) |
You can win your election with Pink Politics as your guide!
Never before has there been such a practical guide just for women running for public office, or for women even just thinking about running for office. Pink Politics blends a businesswoman’s know-how and practical advice with success stories and advice by women for women.
Kathy Groob, a businesswoman turned elected official and candidate, shares her personal successes and disappointments in a candid, practical way so that other women can learn from her experience and the dozens of other women candidates and elected officials featured throughout the book.
Written directly for women, Pink Politics delves into the touchy subjects that have kept many women from entering the political arena. Personal financial impact, campaign/work balance, raising money, skeletons in the closet and how to grow a thick skin are all topics thoroughly discussed in the book.
…Building support from family and friends
“There is no one size fits all when it comes to the families of female candidates. Some candidates are married and can count on a spouse to fill in around the house and pick up the bulk of the domestic chores during the campaign season. Other candidates are single and count on a sister, mother, children or friends to help support their needs while campaigning.”
Deciding which race is right for you
“I don’t believe in sacrificing women to run in races that are un-winnable for them. If you’re going to run, be in it to win, not to make a name for yourself. It’s pretty hard to get people excited about your next race if you weren’t really a credible candidate the first time out.”
Getting started – the early months
“Spend very little money during the early months of the campaign. The best approach is to spend a certain amount of time (at least 2-3 months) making the rounds. Visit with and get to know the movers and shakers in your political arena. Spend time listening to advice and learning about the issues that are important.”
Delegating to staff and consultants
“Those of us control freaks have a hard time letting go and allowing others to carry our message. As a candidate you should be involved in developing the strategy, setting goals and determining the budget (both revenue and expenses). Allow others to handle the execution.”
Getting and retaining volunteers
“Remember that volunteering in a political campaign is in many ways like getting behind your favorite sports team. There is a social component and it is very important to make sure you build in opportunities for your volunteers to have fun and socialize together throughout the campaign.”
Finding donors
“Gathering your donor prospect list is a bit like building your first back-yard tree house. You need to gather pieces and parts from everywhere. Even if your consultant or staff member provides you with a political donor database or list, you should add to it with your own lists.”
Dealing with negative smears
“It is important to stay focused on your strategy and not let every negative message seep into your psyche or worse, knock you off your message. A good opponent will try to define you but don’t let him!”
Working with the media
“The worst thing to have happen to you by the media is to be ignored. If you are being ignored, there is something keeping you from being seen as a credible candidate. Take the time to get to know your political reporters and fair and balanced bloggers. Offer accessibility and treat them like you would a voter or constituent, with respect and honesty and hopefully they will be fair to you.”
Stand out with your message
“Display confidence and tell a compelling story. Weave a story about your life, some obstacle you’ve overcome, and tie that into your campaign message.”