Senator Barbara Boxer Announces Win With Women 2012 PAC

November 17, 2011

Senator Barbara Boxer announced the creation of a campaign political action committee–WINWITHWOMEN2012.

Barbara Boxer says, “When I first ran in 1992, women were only two percent of the U.S. Senate. In 2012, we have the chance to make women more than 20 percent of the Senate — the highest number in history — if we act now!”

Boxer’s PAC for a Change community sees it very clearly: “We must elect senators who will stand up and fight for what makes our nation great. That includes the belief that every American — regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, and, yes, gender — deserves opportunity and dignity,” says Boxer.

Boxer is under the belief that women are under attack like never before. “The Republicans have launched an all-out war on women. The GOP has blocked every jobs bill that would help women recover from a recession that has hit them hardest, “ says Boxer.

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Electing the most women to the U.S. Senate in our nation’s history would be an amazing achievement — and it would be a huge step forward in women’s ongoing struggle for true equality and our country’s never-ending quest to become a more perfect union.