Political Donors’ Gender Disparity
September 6, 2011
By Michael Beckel, Open Secrets Blog – As politicians issue proclamations to celebrate Women’s Equality Day today, data from the Center for Responsive Politics show that women have a long way to go before they see equality as political donors.
At the federal level, men consistently give more than two-thirds of all donations reported in an itemized fashion to the Federal Election Commission — when measured by number of donors and amount of money contributed.
During the 2010 election cycle, female donors accounted for only about a quarter of all money raised by candidates, parties and political action committees, according to the Center’s research. The same is true so far during the 2012 election cycle, the Center’s research indicates.
A minimum of $386 million was contributed by women during the 2010 election cycle, according to the Center’s research, while men donated at least $1.07 billion.
So far this year, women have donated a minimum of $42 million, while men have donated at least $121 million, the Center’s analysis shows.
Discerning whether a contribution comes from a man or a woman based on federal campaign finance filings is an inexact science.
When someone contributes more than $200 to a candidate, party or PAC, the recipient is required to disclose information about that person in an itemized format, including his or her name, address, employer and occupation.
No such identifying information is revealed about donors who give $200 or less, so it’s impossible to know the gender split of small-dollar donors.
Congress designated August 26 as “Women’s Equality Day” in 1971. The date was selected to commemorate the 1920 passage of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted women the right to vote.