Pennsylvania Women’s Campaign Fund Forms New Alliance

August 24, 2011

The Pennsylvania Women’s Campaign Fund announces a new strategic partnership that will significantly enhance our ability to increase representation of women in public service in PA. Through a partnership with She Should Run, our prospective candidates, friends and supporters will be able to access critical resources and a network that supports women in their political endeavors. She Should Run is a national organization whose mission to increase representation of women in elected office closely match ours, and we are proud to partner with them on this program.

In addition to the programs and support available through PWCF, you are now able to become a member of the She Should Run program. She Should Run asks women to think of running for office someday, and as of right now I am asking you to consider a run. The more women who run for office, the stronger our country will be.

As a member of She Should Run you will receive the following benefits:

• A monthly e-newsletter with tips for running, spotlights on training opportunities, and interviews with She Should Run members at different stages of their political careers
• Access to the She Should Run Online Resource Center at

I hope you will support and join this effort! Whether you could envision yourself running for office someday or not, all of us should understand the campaign process and what it takes for more women to succeed in getting elected! Click here to complete your She Should Run profile and receive access to the She Should Run Companion Notebook, an original publication with everything you need to know to get started.
