Playing Politics with Women’s Health
April 8, 2011
Op-Ed by Kathy Groob, Publisher ElectWomen Magazine
Here we go again, Republican ideology is getting in the way of sound government fiscal policy. While deep in the final hour of crafting a budget to keep the federal government from shutting down, the Republicans are digging in their heels by using ideological riders. Significant compromises have been offered by the Democrats to solve the impasse, but now in the final 24 hours, women’s health is at issue.
Republicans proposed cutting all federal funding to Planned Parenthood. Democrats are standing firm that Planned Parenthood provides critical healthcare services to women and especially poor women across the country.
A narrow view of whether or not federal funds are used for abortion has paralyzed the entire process and will have detrimental effects throughout the United States. Planned Parenthood receives $330 million annual from the federal government and is already prohibited from using those dollars for abortions. Planned Parent uses the money to provide birth control, medical and preventive health screenings like pap smears.
Ideological issues have no place in budget negotiations. The federal spending budget should be focused on the critical issues of jobs, investments, education and security. Our economy is poised for recovery but any instability could cause a setback that we, Americans, do not need.
Ideological policy discussions should be openly debated, each issue on its own. Not thrown into an 11th hour race to keep government open. Senator Patty Murray (D-Washington) said “House Republcans shouldn’t be willing to take away people’s paychecks because they want to deny women access to health care in this country.”
To read more, visit The New York Times.