Former Lexington Mayor Teresa Isaac conducts campaign workshops for women in Uganda

February 1, 2011

U.S.  Speaker conducts Campaign Strategy and Election workshops for Women

As part of the U.S. Government’s efforts to support democratic development in Uganda, former Lexington, Kentucky Mayor Teresa Isaac led four Campaign Strategy and Election workshops for women in Hoima, Amuru, Kumi, and Rukungiri from January 10 through January 21, 2011. Participants included women leaders, NGO activists, campaign officials, women running for local council positions and a few parliamentary candidates.  Topics covered included developing your  message, campaign issues, developing your campaign calendar and fundraising plan, mock debates, building your confidence, stress management,  how to get out the vote, how to stay involved in your community if you win or lose, and nurturing the next generation of leaders.
During the lively events, Ms. Isaac shared her own hands-on campaign experience and encouraged her audience to always stay focused on an issue-based campaign.  She encouraged them not to get discouraged and to continue to participate in the affairs of their community even if they lose the race.  Participants were extremely appreciative of the advice they received from the speaker and wished they had had it earlier.   Those who were not actively campaigning were encouraged to run for office in the future, assist women currently running, and get more involved in community issues.  The program was able to reach over  one hundred and fifteen women representing forty-nine districts overall.

This speaker program supported U.S. efforts to partner with Ugandans to enhance democratic development across Uganda, particularly at the local level.  It also supported our mutual goal to support women in elected office.  In advance of the Feb. 18 Presidential elections, the program was particularly well-timed to encourage all Ugandans to get involved in promoting a free, fair, and peaceful electoral process.
