Emerge America Names New President
November 14, 2010
Emerge America‘s Board of Directors is pleased to announce that Karen Middleton is the new President of Emerge America, the premier training program for Democratic women who plan to run for public office.
Middleton is a Colorado State Representative with nearly six years experience in elected office. Middleton ended her re-election campaign to accept the position with Emerge America. She will serve out the remainder of her term.
“Karen Middleton brings not only the experience and dedication we were looking for, but she also comes with a longstanding passion to train Democratic women to run for political office,” said Marya Stark, Emerge America’s Board Chair. “We are excited about the energy and new ideas she will bring to Emerge America.”
Karen Middleton is widely respected for her role as a legislative leader. Before entering the State House, Karen served on Colorado’s elected State Board of Education representing the 7th Congressional District.
Colorado Governor Bill Ritter said Middleton’s service in the legislature has been exemplary. “Her prior experience as a member of the State Board of Education and experience in higher education made her an invaluable ally to my administration as we tackled P-20 education reform the past four years,” Gov. Ritter said. “More importantly, Karen successfully balanced her role as an educator and a legislator with her deep commitment to her family. She will be sorely missed in the Colorado legislature.”
Middleton is honored to accept the challenge to expand Emerge America’s work into all 50 states.
Middleton says, “The opportunity to lead Emerge America represents the best of all worlds for me. I have the chance to integrate my own experience as an elected official, along with my drive to see far more women running for and serving in elected office. Leading this effort is a wonderful opportunity and I am thrilled to be joining Emerge America.”
The naming of Middleton to head Emerge America kicks off a special year for the groundbreaking organization as it prepares to open its tenth affiliate.