Be a Campaign Ad Spotter
October 22, 2010
The Sunlight Foundation is offering a service to monitor and review political campaign advertising in the final 11 days of the campaign season. Click the link to participate and review comments.
From the Sunlight Foundation’s website:
Sunlight Campaign Ad Monitor (Sunlight CAM) allows anyone to report information on the political advertising they see on TV, hear on the radio or view online.
Why this matters
Did you know that special interests can now spend an unlimited amount of cash to try to influence your vote with TV, radio and Internet advertising?
That’s because in January 2010, the Supreme Court changed the landscape of money and politics.To briefly recap, in the Citizens United v. FEC case, the Supreme Court decided that corporations and unions may spend unlimited amounts of money right up until Election Day, so long as they do not coordinate with candidates. The Federal Election Commission has yet to adopt final rules that will allow it to track this flood of money; that’s why we need your help.
We created Sunlight CAM to shine a light on who is buying your time. But we need your eyes and ears. Join us and become a Sunlight Campaign Ad Monitor to report on who buys ad time in support of or against candidates running for elected office or even issues on the ballot.