Meet Chelsea Clinton’s Mother-in-Law, President of Women’s Campaign International
August 22, 2010
The New York Times Magazine ran an interview with former Congresswoman Marjorie Margolies who happens to be Chelsea Clinton’s new mother-in-law. While declining to talk about the happy couple or wedding details, she was more than willing to talk about her passion, The Women’s Campaign International.
Working in emerging democracies and post-conflict regions around the world, Women’s Campaign International advances opportunities for women to actively participate in public advocacy and political processes. In providing the requisite skills, knowledge and culturally-sensitive support, we develop leaders who transform the lives of everyone they serve.
Women’s Campaign International was founded in 1998 by Pennsylvania Congresswoman Marjorie Margolies. After serving in Congress, Ms. Margolies led the United States delegation to the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in 1995. At the conference, 189 countries signed a Platform for Action that pledged to further the rights of women around the world. Inspired by these commitments and the astounding attendance of thousands of women participants from around the world, Ms. Margolies founded WCI to help women achieve the goals laid out in the Platform for Action.
WCI’s programs help women find their voices by giving them tangible skills in areas such as leadership, public speaking, media relations, grassroots organizing, campaign strategies, voter outreach and mobilization, polling, policy analysis and fundraising. WCI has worked with political leaders, activists, advocacy groups and non-profit partner organizations to ensure that women have a legitimate opportunity to participate in the development of public policy, and that women’s issues are placed on local, national and regional agendas. With the help of local civil society organizations (CSOs), WCI is able to tailor its programs to fit the needs, culture and abilities of women in each country.
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