Tuesday’s Election Results: Big Night for Women
June 9, 2010
Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln (D) held onto her seat in the runoff election held Tuesday evening. Senator Lincoln had faced a tough fight against a more progressive Democrat in a mostly conservative state.
California Republicans took an historic step Tuesday by nominating two wealthy businesswomen to challenge Democratic icons for governor and U.S. Senate, setting in motion an election season of big-money campaigns and high-stakes in the nation’s most populous state.
Meg Whitman, the billionaire former eBay chief executive, easily won the Republican primary for California governor while former Hewlett-Packard Co. CEO Carly Fiorina was nominated to challenge Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer in the fall.
It is the first time the California Republican Party has put a woman — much less two — at the top of its ticket. To read more, visit: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/37577424/ns/politics-decision_2010
In South Carolina in the race to replace disgraced Governor Mark Sanford, State Senator Nikki Haley won the Republican primary by a landslide.