Lake County Florida Democratic Women Holding Campaign Training Seminar
March 26, 2010
The Democratic Woman’s Club of Lake County Florida are hosting a seminar entitled RUN JANE RUN, to teach Democratic women about how to run for public office. The seminar is Saturday, April 24, 2010 9-12 noon at the Tavares Civic Center, 110 E. Caroline Street, Tavares, Florida.
Party officials and women who have waged successful campaigns will address issues such as how much time and money is needed to run, how to get on the ballot, how to comply with campaign finance laws and other critical topics.
Speakers include Emogene Stegall, Lake County Supervisor of Elections, Melissa DeMarco, Mayor of Mount Dora, Gwendolyn Manning, former Mayor and Commissioner of Eustis, Cindy Barrow, Chair of the Lake County School Board, Amy Mercado, candidate for the Florida House of Representatives, Mary Sharpe, Democratic State Committeewoman for Lake County and Nancy Hurlbert, Chair of Lake County’s Democratic Executive Committee.
To make a reservation or for more information, click here or call Jane Hepting at 352-250-6771.