2010 TEXAS PRIMARY ELECTION: Gubernatorial Candidate Kay Bailey Hutchinson Falling Behind Far Right Conservative Incumbent Governor
February 21, 2010
On March 2nd Republican primary voters of Texas will select their nominee for Governor for the general election in November. U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchinson at one time was considered the hands-on favorite, but now is slipping behind her opponent, Governor Rick Perry in recent polling.
While labeling herself a staunch conservative with the support of some of the Republican Party’s biggest names, Hutchinson has worked across the aisle with her Democratic colleagues particularly in support of pro-women legislation. Her sometime moderate positions are being used against her in the primary campaign for governor.
Kay Bailey Hutchinson is the first woman to represent Texas in the United States Senate. If elected, she would become the third woman to serve as governor of Texas and the first Republican woman to hold the office.
Hutchinson’s opponent has tapped into the strength of the Tea Party movement that includes an endorsement by former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.
To read the New York Times article about the race, visit: