Kentucky House Passes Ban on Texting While Driving
February 5, 2010
Despite the political controversy, this week the Kentucky House of Representatives passed a bill that would ban text messaging by drivers of all ages and cell phone use by drivers under age 18 passed by an 80-16 vote. Nineteen states now ban messaging while driving.
Violators of House Bill 43 would face a fine between $20 and $100 for each offense beginning in 2011. The bill would also require young violators with driver’s permits or intermediate driver’s licenses to wait an additional six months before applying for their permanent operator’s license. House Bill 43 would allow drivers to use cell phones in emergencies. It would also allow texting by emergency personnel as part of their official duties, texts to report illegal activity, or texts to summon help in an emergency. The legislation passed by a vote of 80-16 and now goes to the Senate for consideration.
TAKE THE POLL: Do you favor a ban on text messaging while driving. Take the ElectWomen Magazine poll.