Being a Woman Veteran
November 11, 2009
(From the diaries – promoted by Brandon Friedman)
On Wednesday, I was honored and proud to be invited to the SHOUT! Art by Women Veterans show put on in San Francisco by Swords to Plowshares, a great organization. It was amazing for me to be around so many other women veterans at one time. Normally, when I go to any veterans events, it’s just like my time in the Army: I am in the minority, usually by a lot. Women are only 15% of the military, and since we are less likely to self-identify as veterans, are also less present in veterans organizations and activities.The morning of the event, I also did a radio show with Tia Christopher from Swords to Plowshares on KPFA. We were both amazed that the host of the radio show was also a female veteran, who was part of the first Gulf War. As veterans make up a smaller and smaller proportion of the civilian population, I’m always pleasantly surprised to meet another vet – and when it is a woman, who helped pave the way for all of us who followed, I’m thrilled.
Being there, surrounded by strong and amazing women veterans, was fairly intense. Please don’t misunderstand me — I love my brothers in arms, too. Truly, we have shared experiences that civilians can never understand. But women in a combat zone do face some added pressures. We must deal with sexual harassment, and be wary of sexual assault. Women have to keep their guard up not only around the enemy, but even among some of their fellow soldiers. We also face pressure not to report sexual harassment just because we “can’t take a joke.” Being with a group of creative, strong women — and those friends and loved ones who support them — was moving. And then, something happened that truly shocked me. To read the full story, visit: Vet Voice – |