Texas Women Launch Program to Encourage More Women to Run for Office
October 28, 2009
Project 19 Foundation Launches Nationwide Tour at Texas State Capitol
The Project 19 Foundation launches a nineteen-city nationwide tour called the Don’t Stop Believing Tour, celebrating the 90-Year Anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the right to vote. The Tour will begin at the Texas State Capitol in Austin, Texas November 3, 2009 at 10 AM.
The Don’t Stop Believing Tour will visit a total of 19 cities, beginning in Austin, Texas on November 3, 2009 and ending in Washington, D.C. on August 18, 2010. In each city along the way, the Project 19 Foundation will donate 90 Susan B. Anthony dollars to the Voter’s Education Fund. “The Tour celebrates and honors those who changed history, and at the same time, inspires a future generation of women to lead and achieve their dreams,” said Project 19 Foundation’s Board President, Carol Thompson.
Hundreds from across Texas are expected to attend, including elected City and State Officials. Scheduled speakers include Lisa Copeland and Robin Ford, Project 19 co-founders, State Representative Diana Maldonado and Travis County Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir. Speaking topics, which will be brief, will range from inspirational keynotes to informative history lessons, each underscored with the importance of women leaders and the inadequate representation of women leaders throughout the public, private and non-profit sectors in the United States. “Our country needs to be reminded of those who fought for our right to vote, and reinvigorated with a movement that advances women into leadership roles, which Project 19 and our Foundation are all about,” explained Project 19’s Co-Founder, Lisa Copeland.
Currently, seventeen women serve in the 100-member Senate, and only ninety-two women serve in the 441 House of Representatives. Nationally, only twenty percent of all elected officials are women and of the fifty state governors, six are women. “It has been 90 years since women were given the right to vote, yet we still remain underrepresented in Government. I know in my heart that there are millions of women that are eager to lead-the Don’t Stop Believing Tour is going state to state to inspire women across the United States to stand up now and do just that,” said Robin Ford, Project 19’s Co-Founder.
Event Details for November 3, 2009
Location: Texas State Capitol Building, South Steps
Time: 10 AM
Speakers: State Representative Diana Maldonado, Travis County Clerk Dana DeBeauvoir, Project 19 and Project 19 Foundation Co-Founders, Lisa Copeland and Robin Ford.
About the Project 19 Foundation
The Project 19 Foundation is a nonpartisan, issue-neutral, nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that empowers women to advance into leadership roles through public awareness initiatives, and by funding education courses, training seminars and scholarship programs through the Project 19 University.
The Project 19 Foundation ensures that every woman has the opportunity and skills to advance into leadership roles throughout the public, private and non-profit sectors- we will not stop until every sector has balanced representation. The Foundation is supported by corporate sponsorship, individual donations and alumnae support from Project 19 course graduates.
For more information about Project 19 or the Project 19 Foundation, please contact Lisa Copeland (512-944-5472) or Carol Thompson (512-626-5252).