Internet Blogger and Political Activist WINS Race for Pepper Pike City Council
October 25, 2009
by Kathy Groob, Publisher ElectWomen Magazine
Author, writer, political analyst, researcher, blogger, mother and community activist, Jill Miller Zimon, has thrown her hat into the ring of politics. A mother of three school-aged children, Jill is using her motherhood status as part of her platform. As the only council candidate with children attending the Orange School District, Jill believes that a strong alliance with local schools is important for the City.
“I felt I was ready to run after completing the White House Project training and wanted to step up and take a leadership role for women,” said Zimon. Using her political and Internet savvy, Jill has organized a strong grassroots and communications effort, reaching out to voters all across her city.
Zimon is racking up an impressive list of endorsements that include The Chagrin Salon Sun that described Jill Miller Zimon as “having fresh ideas and a passion to serve the citizens.” She has also been endorsed by the Chagrin Valley Times.
A town of 2,200 households, Pepper Pike is located in northeast Ohio and will elect four members to its city council on November 3rd. Three incumbents are running along with three challengers.
In January, Jill Miller Zimon was named the most influential person in Pepper Pike by the Chagrin Solon Sun for her leadership on changing the city’s political sign law. Zimon lead the charge for change from one sign allowed per resident to three. She was successful when others had tried and failed.
To read more about or contribute to Jill Miller Zimon, visit: Also visit Jill’s blog, Writes Like She Talks at