Boston Herald Female Reporter Demeans U.S. Senate Candidate Martha Coakley
October 19, 2009
by Kathy Groob, Publisher ElectWomen Magazine
A Boston Herald pop culture reporter called Massachusetts attorney general and candidate for the United States Senate a “mean girl” and an “ice queen”. Lauren Beckham Falcone took Martha Coakley to task for dodging a reporter’s question about her campaign finance report.
Martha Coakley is a candidate in the special election for the late Senator Edward Kennedy’s seat in Massachusetts.
Falcone describes the exchange between Coakley and the reporter as follows:
Reporter Chabot: “Can you explain why, as a Senate candidate, you’re not speaking to your campaign finance records?”
Mean Martha: “No, thank you.”
Chabot: “Why can’t you explain that?”
Mean Martha: “I’m not going to talk to you about it. Anybody else have any questions? Thanks.”
For whatever reason Martha Coakley declined to take questions about the particular campaign finance report is unknown. What is known is that gender-based slurs were used to describe an elected official who is running for one of the highest positions in the country.
Women have fought hard for equity in the political system and stereotypical gender slurs only hurt the cause. Would a male candidate who refused to answer one question be referred to as a boy and called on carpet about his position?
Female candidates walk a fine line between being tough and strong to being thought of as a “bitch”. Lauren Falcone displayed tremendous media bias against Martha Coakley by calling her a mean girl and comparing her actions to a high school girl. Her actions discourage other women from running for fear of negative treatment by the media.
Martha Coakley is a serious contender who deserves respect and dignified treatment in the media.
To read the editorial by Lauren Falcone, click here:
For more information or to contribute to Martha Coakley, visit: