Joan Buchanan Falls Short in Primary Special Election
September 2, 2009
Despite her best effort, Joan Buchanan (D-CA) fell short in her bid for Congress on Tuesday evening. Joan and her strong grassroots campaign team knocked on over 100,000 doors and raised the most money in the race. Out of the field of 14 primary election contenders, Joan was one of just two women in the race. She was endorsed by Emily’s List and the National Women’s Political Caucus. She finished 4th with 12% of the vote.
Here is Joan’s website thank you note:
I want you to know how much I appreciate every single person that was part of our campaign. Together, we knocked on tens of thousands of doors.
Our grassroots campaign wasn’t successful this time, but I know one thing: we’ve built something we can all be proud of. I look forward to continuing our work in Sacramento, fighting for better public schools and a better California.
I congratulate John Garamendi and look forward to working together in the months to come.
Thank you all so much.
Joan Buchanan