Feminist Majority Hosts Women Money Power Summit

September 29, 2009

amyThe Feminist Majority will be hosting a summit in Washington, D.C. beginning October 4th, titled Women Money Power Summit.  The event features a power-packed agenda that begins with an opening address by Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) along with Feminist Majority President Eleanor Smeal and Chair of the Board, Peg Yorkin.

The theme of the conference will center around women’s health issues including panels on the impact on women of health insurance reform.  Workshop topics also include reducing violence against women, increasing women’s power and gaining equal pay and benefits.

badgeThe power luncheon to be held on Monday, October 5th, will include feminist leader Gloria Steinem and actress Amy Brenneman.  The final day includes a trip to Capitol Hill for briefings with Congressional members

For more information, visit:  http://www.feministmajority.org/events.
