Ohio’s Political Powerhouse – Democratic Women’s Caucus
August 2, 2009
Changing the Face of Politics in Ohio
By Kathy Groob, Publisher, ElectWomen Magazine
They began their work with the John Kerry campaign in 2004, and perfected it in 2008 for Barack Obama. The Ohio’s Democratic Women’s Caucus (ODWC) is responsible for organizing hundreds of women throughout Ohio, building infrastructure by region and perfecting the art of grassroots campaign unlike anything seen in this part of country in years, if ever.
“In Hamilton County alone, we organized a women voter program and sent out over 17,000 women-to-women postcards to elect Barack Obama,” said Jodine Grundy, the Hamilton County coordinator for ODWC. “For four years we focused heavily on volunteer recruitment and held over 70 postcard events.”
The official formation of the ODWC was in 2005 and in just three short years, the organization touts remarkable success. “If enough women had voted in Ohio in 2004, John Kerry would have won,” said ODWC Executive Director, Liz Shirey. “Under the remarkable leadership of women like Jan Roller from Cuyahoga County and Peggy Wilkinson from Ashtabula, Ohio’s Democratic women built a stronger, more wide-reaching organization and made a significant impact on the governor’s race in 2006 and the presidential and congressional races of 2008.” Liz Shirey was hired on as the executive director for the organization in 2007.
Organized into 17 distinct regions that cover all 88 counties, each region has leaders who recruit and train women throughout the district. The first statewide organizing conference was held in Columbus in 2006; the next organizing conference will be held in 2010 with over 250 women expected to attend. The group will hold a women’s caucus luncheon on healthcare reform in Columbus on September 12, 2009.
The ODWC became an official caucus of the Ohio Democratic Party in 2006. Currently undergoing long-range strategic planning, ODWC leaders believe it will be stronger within the infrastructure of the Democratic Party. Moving forward with a new mission and charter of action items, the group plans to continue it’s regional outreach and growth.
The mission of the Ohio Democratic Women’s Caucus is to educate, empower and energize Democratic women in order to increase their leadership within Democratic politics and their impact on the outcome of elections at the local, state and national level. Organization and growth plans include 1) Advocating for fair representation and funding of Democratic women; 2) Providing educational programming, trainings and workshops; 3) Facilitating statewide and regional communication and networking opportunities; and 4) Promoting and featuring Ohio Democratic women political, community and grassroots leaders.
For more information about the Ohio Democratic Women’s Caucus, visit: http://www.ohiodwc.org.