Brunner Campaign Picking Up Steam in Ohio **Unveils New Website**
August 17, 2009
Focused on a positive message for Ohio, U.S. Senate candidate underdog, Jennifer Brunner is picking up support, endorsements and says unequivocally, “I’m staying in the race to the finish.” When U.S. Senator George Voinovich announced he was not going to seek re-election in 2010, the Democratic power brokers in Ohio lined up one of their own to seek the party’s nomination. Governor Ted Strickland endorsed his Lt. Governor, Lee Fischer pronouncing him as “the most qualified” Democrat. But not so fast, Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner saw it as an opportunity to change the course for America.
In the six months since she announced, Jennifer Brunner has signed up over 1,000 volunteers and thousands of supporters by asking one simple question, “Who has the best chance of beating Rob Portman?” asks Brunner. Her exemplary experience as Secretary of State as she cleaned up Ohio’s election mess, has made her a top contender and a favorite among many who are looking for positive, fresh leadership.
In July the campaign formed a grassroots organization called “The Brunner Brigade”. The Brigade network is made up of county and precinct organizers charged with mobilizing support across the state. Already county captains have been named in 74 of Ohio’s 88 counties.
The Brunner campaign strategies must be working—polls show the primary race locked in a dead heat. Brunner has been endorsed by many traditional Democratic labor interests as well as national women’s organizations including: The Women’s Campaign Forum, The Feminist Majority and the National Organization for Women (NOW).
Recognized for her efforts in election reform, Jennifer Brunner was the recipient of John F. Kennedy Profiles in Courage award following the 2008 elections. “I was honored and humbled to have received this significant and meaningful award,” said Brunner. It was with gratefulness that I accepted the award, trying to comprehend that from difficult work often filled with emotionally charged controversy and strife, can emerge honor and dignity in the attempt to move forward the human causes of fairness, equality and respect.” Brunner received the award for her work in helping the people of Ohio trust the voting process again.
Brunner will need all the courage she can muster in her endeavor to become Ohio’s first woman U.S. Senator. Currently there are just 17 women in the U.S. Senate and Ohio has five women serving in the U.S. House of Representatives. Republican Nancy Hollister briefly served as Governor of Ohio ascending from the position of Lt. Governor when George Voinovich resigned to take his seat in the U.S. Senate. No woman has ever been elected governor in Ohio.
One message Brunner is delivering is that women have to not only talk the talk, they need to walk the walk. “If we tell our daughters they can be anything they want to be, we need to prove it to them.” And with the support of women across Ohio, she just might do it.
To contribute to Jennifer Brunner’s campaign, visit her new website at: