WUFPAC Announces New Six State Strategy to Elect Women
July 12, 2009
WUFPAC (Women Under Forty Political Action Committee) is implementing a Six State Strategy in a grass-roots effort to forcefully build, maintain, and support a pipeline of dynamic young women running for office on the state and local level. WUFPAC’s goal is to help increase the number of young women running in their home state with the goal of building an infrastructure of young women who we can tap as future Congressional candidates. The work will help them build a political support system for their current races and will assist their future run for federal office.
WUFPAC’s Six State Strategy will
– Identify young women running for local and state office in the six initial target states including Texas, Virginia, New York, Arizona, Washington, and Minnesota.
– WUFPAC will endorse local and state level candidates and offer candidates structural support for their campaigns including access to services from the top campaign consultants in the country.
– WUFPAC state advisors in each of these key states will assist endorsed candidates running on the state level with fundraising strategies and help them to build their network of donors within the state.
President, Jessica Grounds describes the state selection process WUFPAC undergoes as one of detailed identification. “We chose these particular states because a number of them already have an apparatus in place helping women candidates and WUFPAC believes strongly in building coalitions with groups of like-minded interest with the hope of becoming more effective by working together. Other states that we are targeting don’t have much structural support for women candidates, so we hope to offer that to our endorsed local and state level candidates.”
Ten years after its beginning, WUFPAC remains strong and vigilant in its efforts to elect women to federal office, but as politics evolves, so does WUFPAC. The new Six State Strategy will provide the pipeline of qualified candidates for federal office that has been running dry for too long. It is also their quest to engage more young women in the political process by introducing WUFPAC to new areas across the country. Every woman that is considering running for city council, mayor, board of supervisors, that she has the support of WUFPAC and our supporters.
To contribute to WUFPAC’s effort, visit: http://www.wufpac.org