ORGANIZATION PROFILE: Women’s Policy Inc., Important Women’s Issue Watchdog Group
July 5, 2009
The Women’s Policy Inc. (WPI) is a D.C. based women’s organization that operates as a nonprofit, non-partisan organization dedicated to insuring that women’s issues are first and foremost. The organization produces The Source, an e-mail newsletter provides updates on legislation in Congress concerning women’s issues. An e-mail subscription is free to the public.
The organization’s audiences include elected officials, regulators, women’s groups, labor groups, academia, the business community, the media, and the general public. The group’s mission is to shed sunlight and insight into relevant issues by researching and producing “best available information in the form of compelling and unbiased legislative analyses, issue summaries, impact assessments, and educational briefings.”
Weekly updates of Congressional action on women’s policy issues are listed on the website along with the week’s schedule for Congress. The board of directors is a long, impressive list of top women in business, nonprofits, law and labor.
For more information or to sign up for the weekly e-mails, contact: