First-Ever All Female Crew Flying President Obama on Marine One
July 19, 2009
By Mark Nickolas, Political Base
President Obama had an all-female crew on Thursday for the quick chopper trip from the White House to Andrews Air Force Base. That crew was assembled in honor of the pilot, Maj. Jennifer L. Grieves, who last year became the first female Marine One helicopter aircraft commander, and whom the White House tells us is today flying her last day in that rotation.
Marines say she is headed to Command and Staff College in Quantico, Va. When the president boarded Marine One, he appeared from our obscured view to shake the pilot’s hand and to be speaking with her, but your pooler was behind the ropes like everyone else, so no detail on what was said.
Grieves, 38, of Glendale, Ariz., was accompanied by copilot Maj. Jennifer L. Marino, 33, of Palisade, Colo. The crew chief is Sgt. Rachael A. Sherman, of Traverse City, Mich.
This from the White House:
Major Grieves reported for duty to HMX-1 in October 2005 – she is the second female pilot to ever receive orders to the squadron and is the first female pilot ever to be designated a Marine One helicopter aircraft commander. Major Grieves was designated a “Marine One” pilot in May 2008 and has flown former President Bush and President Obama on numerous occasions.
Major Jennifer Marino was the mission copilot for today’s lift. Major Marino reported for duty to HMX-1 in July 2007, being the third female pilot to receive orders to the squadron. A native of Palisade, CO, Major Marino was designated a White House Aircraft Commander in February 2009 and has another two years remaining in the squadron.
Sergeant Rachael Sherman, a native of Traverse City, MI, was the Marine One Crew Chief. Sergeant Sherman reported for duty in October 2005 and was designated a Marine One Crew Chief in July 2009. Sergeant Sherman is scheduled to check-out in July 2010.