Networking Key to Success For Woman Candidates
June 25, 2009
Founder of eWomen Network Speaks Out on How to Find Success, By Brandy Bailey, Contributor ElectWomen Magazine
Sandra Yancey, Founder and CEO of eWomen Network spoke recently to a group of nearly 100 women in Cincinnati, Ohio on the topic of achieving your personal goals and success. Her speech focused largely on business, but much of her message can be useful in a woman’s campaign for elected office.
Yancey specifically spoke about the importance of relationships. “You need access to people. You get that access three ways: relationships, relationships, relationships” said, Yancey.
Some of the things Yancey encouraged women to think about are:
1) Who does what you do? What can you do better than them and what can they do better than you? Identify these people and don’t be afraid to talk to them and work with them when necessary. Also, who are the valuable relationships in your life? Who are your important supporters? After you have identified these individuals or groups do something to let them know how much you appreciate their support. Even something as simple as a phone call thanking them for their support is meaningful.
2) Make a list of people you don’t know, but need to know. Think about who in your network is wildly successful and watch how they conduct themselves. These people do things differently; they think differently, they ask questions differently. Watch and learn from them. Adapt what has been successful for them to your own situation. Find out what events these individuals are attending and go. And when you do attend an event; never be the first to leave an event.
3) Finally, make a list of the toxic and dysfunctional relationships that are weighing you down and getting in your way and stop trying to save these relationships.
One final piece of advice Yancey offered to women is that,” We don’t have to turn into men in order to compete; and when we do the best we can be is an imposter.”
For more information on the eWomen Network visit their website at: