Running Start – Empowering Young Women to Dream Big
May 19, 2009
By Kathy Groob, Publisher ElectWomen Magazine
Study after study has shown that women do not think about politics as often as men – and especially when it comes to thinking about actually running for public office. Running Start was founded with one specific purpose in mind – to encourage young women to become involved in politics and to encorage women to run for office.
With its sister organization WUFPAC (Women Under Forty Political Action Committee) raising money to help fund women candidates, Running Start is focusing on educating and inspiring young women to engage in the political process. “We looked at studies and recognized that women didn’t identify with political candidacy; they didn’t dream about it,” said President Susannah Shakow. “Our mission is to grow a pool of women under 40, to get them thinking about politics as a career.”
Running Start has determined that the younger women are when they run for office, the better chance they will have to rise through the ranks to assume leadership roles. Founded in 2007, Running Start has developed programs for young college women and for high school women as well. Running Start is a non-partisan, nonprofit organization.
The Young Women’s Political Leadership Program is Running Start’s most popular program that has reached young women from across the United States. Each year, 50 high school girls are selected to participate in a weeklong leadership program in Washington, D.C. The first year 300 applicants from 23 states vied for the 50 spots. This year 30,000 girls from across the country applied for the program. “Word has spread throughout schools from teachers who recognize the need to encourage more women towards the political arena,” said Shakow.
Running Start has begun a pilot program to take the Young Women’s Political Leadership Program on the road out to the states. “We are looking at a condensed one-day program that we can sponsor in many states,” said Susannah Shakow. “The need is there and the interest is high, but we need more resources to fill that need.”
Running Start accepts private contributions and corporate sponsors. To learn more and to help support Running Start, visit: