Judy Chu Wins Primary ! – Special Election July 14th
May 20, 2009
Dr. Judy Chu has won won enouch votes in the primary for the 32nd Congressional seat in California that was vacated by Hilda Solis when President Obama nominated her for labor secretary. Chu successfully beat her main oponent Gil Cedillo for the democratic place on the ballot but fell short of the majority needed in order to avoid a runoff in July.
Chu will face both a republican and libertarian opponent in the runoff that will be held on July 14th. However, the district is strongly Democratic and it is expected that the Democrat will win.
Chu has so far raised nearly $1million and has received the endorsement of numerous labor and community leaders including; Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, the California Democratic Party, as well as Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa.
ElectWomen.com will continue to follow Dr. Chu’s campaign and report on future updates.
For more information on Dr Chu please visit her website at: www.judychu.net.