If Republicans are Looking for Answers….Why Don’t They Include Women?
May 6, 2009
By Kathy Groob, Publisher ElectWomen Magazine
Last weekend Republican Party leaders kicked off an initiative called the National Council for a New America, as part of an effort to rebrand the Party. When looking at the list of the few who were in on this high-level planning session that included Republican Party heavyweights such as Eric Cantor, Haley Barbour, Mitt Romney, John McCain, Jeb Bush and Bobby Jindal, it leaves one thinking that things aren’t so new after all.
Where were the Republican women? Why weren’t they invited to have a seat at the table to build a roadmap for the future of their Party? Where were U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Kay Bailey Hutchinson? Where were Republican Governors Sarah Palin or Linda Lingle? Where were Representatives Michelle Bachmann, Kay Granger or Mary Bono Mack?
Women make up only 17% of the members of Congress and hold only 23.6% of statewide offices such as governor, attorney general and secretary of state. Republican women lag behind not only their male colleagues but are outnumbered by their Democratic female counterparts as well. Democratic women currently hold 56 seats in Congress and 50 statewide offices. Republican women hold only 21 seats in Congress and 22 statewide offices.
While the group was meeting last weekend in Arlington, Virginia to chart a course for progress for American, the other half of Americans, its women, didn’t have a seat at the table. The Grand Old Party doesn’t seem to understand the concept that perception is reality—and if they did they would not continue to perpetuate the reality that they are a party of older, predominately white men. Their African American national party chair wasn’t even invited to join the group.
If the Republican definition of a New America doesn’t include women and minorities, then there isn’t much hope for a new direction for the Grand Old Party.
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