Cincy Chic Breaks the Boys Club – ElectWomen Magazine Featured on Women’s Online Publication
May 18, 2009
Cincy Chic, the Cincinnati women’s online publication is featuring ElectWomen Magazine on their site this week. Titled “Breaking the Boys Club”, Cincy Chic features a series of articles about local women who are carrying the torch toward equality. In the article Equalizing the Gender Ratio One Post at a Time, editor Linda Palacios describes the work of ElectWomen Magazine working to help ensure that women have a voice in our democratic government.
“Women need to know that they can do it,” Groob says, and “bottom line is that for women to succeed, other women have to help them.” So Groob has made it her mission to help other women and offer an opportunity for other women to pitch in too.
Elect Women offers women the resources and information that women need to succeed in their political careers so that they don’t have to waste their time searching the vast Internet. Also, many women don’t know what they don’t know when they first run, so Elect Womenbrings the unknown to their attention, Groob says.
Cincy Chic (pronounced “sheek,” people) is the only online lifestyle publication for women in the Greater Cincinnati area. Each week, this dynamic e-zine publishes a feature story, a fitness Q&A column, a movie column, a “Chic Spotlight” which highlights a newsworthy local woman and five editorial departments in the following topics: health, beauty, fashion, social and career.
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