South Carolina Taking Steps to Advance Women in Politics & Leadership
April 19, 2009
Despite being ranked 50th in the nation in women’s political involvement, South Carolina women are taking steps needed to bring about change in their state. The Southeastern Institute for Women in Politics, a bi-partisan women’s political training organization, is hosting its 2009 Leading Women Dinner in Columbia on May 1st followed the next day by a campaign training and workshop. Kathy Groob, publisher of ElectWomen Magazine is the keynote speaker for the dinner and awards will be presented to former congresswoman, Liz Patterson and former state superintendent of education, Barbara Nielsen. To register to attend the dinner or the campaign school, or both, visit:
A second event to be held on June 4th in Columbia titled South Carolina Women: Their Lives & Times, A Symposium. Sponsored by The Southeastern Institute for Women in Politics, The Alliance for Women and the University of South Carolina, the symposium will highlight women leaders in history as well as modern day women including South Carolina Supreme Court Justice, Jean Toal. To register and for information, visit: